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Lisa Marie David: Certified Ziglar Legacy Trainer
Phone: (901) 759-0307
Industry: Marketing and Communications
Location: Memphis, TN
Lisa Marie David


Ziglar Legacy Certified Courses Include:

1. Live to Win – 7 Weeks to Balanced Success this workshop gives participants the tools needed to achieve success in all areas of life. The workshop was designed to build sustainable success by teaching the 7 spokes to The Wheel of Life. The Wheel of Life verifies the methodology behind this life changing program. Empowering participants with a system to changing habits that will create the life they have dreamed about and the life they deserve.

2. Becoming the BEST You! – This workshop emphasizes identifying and building on your personal strengths. Regardless of your circumstances there is one undeniable freedom; the freedom to choose your attitude toward those circumstances. You can take control of your destiny! Your future is not determined by other people or circumstances. You will discover that you already have everything necessary to make your life better and to become the best-version of yourself!

3. Building Winning Relationships – Relationships are extremely important. A balanced life requires relationships with other people. Learn the specific steps you can take to build strong, healthy relationships in your family and at work. Discover the ONE thing you can do to turn any relationship around for the better. It is so important to consciously work on building positive relationships with those around you. Learning how to build winning relationships is the key to achieving a successful life.

4. Understanding Yourself & Others! – This fun and interactive workshop is designed to help you identify your communication style and get a better understanding of other communication styles. This workshop will explore the specific steps you can take to build strong relationships in all areas of your life. You will learn the DISC Model of Human behavior and how to work more effectively with others, understanding the different perspectives each person brings into the relationship. Unlocking the key to developing good people skills and creating better relationships in your personal and professional life.

5. Goal Setting & Achievement – In this workshop you will learn the power of goal setting and the easy steps it takes to guarantee you can achieve any goal you set using the Ziglar 7-step goal setting formula. People like to complain about lack of time when the lack of direction is the real problem. Time can be an ally or an enemy. What it becomes depends entirely upon you, your determination, and your goals to use every available minute. Ziglar’s proven seven step process and an accountability system is offered to help the participants take what they have learned and implement it on a daily basis. With definite goals you release your own power, and things start happening!

Executive Coaching

The Zig Ziglar Legacy programs help even the most driven professionals achieve balance in life. Balance leads to long term success in all areas of life. Those achieving balanced success in life are the leaders who are most successful in motivating others. The Ziglar Legacy approach is a must for every Executive motivated in leading their entire team towards success!

Public Speaking

Zig Ziglar gave countless presentations through which he connected with members of large and small audiences in a very personal way. One of Zig's secrets was that he fully engaged with his audience as he fully embraced sharing his message. Zig didn't give speeches, Zig communicated openly with honest intention and sincere interest in his topic and his audience.

Custom Services

Zig Ziglar promoted a view of Success that transcended business. In fact, by embracing success in all areas of life Zig was able to help millions become more successful in business. Similarly, the Ziglar Legacy programs transcend any one specific area of business. For a free consultation on how the Ziglar Legacy programs and services can help you achieve you goals contact me directly.

Lisa Marie David
Lisa Marie David
Phone: (901) 759-0307
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Lisa Marie David Certified Ziglar Legacy Trainer